2024 Projects

This list of 24 projects active in 2024 includes a mix of new projects and long-running studies, about 25 investigators and 20 institutions in 10 states and three countries.

Julia Burton (Michigan Technological University), “Pushing the limits: role of functional and structural complexity in determining upper limits of carbon storage and sequestration in cool-temperate old growth forest ecosystems

Lori Bystrom (Bath Spa University, UK) “The Vaccinium Berry Collective: Exploring the past, present and future”

Patrick Gorring (Michigan State University) & Robert Mitchell (University of Wisconsin –Oshkosh), “Beetles and plants: What longhorned beetles are eating and the chemicals they use to find their hostplants and mates”

Sarah Johnson (Northland College), Jill Witt (Lake Superior State), & Don Waller (University of Wisconsin), “Assessing impacts of white-tailed deer on forest diversity and dynamics.”

Donna Kashia (Wayne State University), “Long-term monitoring of stream invertebrate communities and water quality as related to anthropoenic disturbance.

Susan Knight (Trout Lake Limnological Station – University of Wisconsin), “Aquatic macrophyte communities in Huron Mountain lakes.”

Douglas Ladd (Missouri Botanical Gardens & Washington University) “Biodiversity of lichens and associated fungi on Huron Mountain Club lands, Marquette County Michigan

Jalene LaMontagne (DePaul University), “Mast-seeding dynamics in the southern range of a boreal forest species”

Amy Marcarelli & Casey Huckins (Michigan Technological University), “Ecosystem monitoring baselines for Huron Mountain lakes.”

Jonathan Martin (Northland College), “Extending The Range And Improving Accuracy Of Biomass Scaling Models For White Pine In the Lake States.”

Melissa McCormick (Smithsonian Institution) and Ida Hartvig (University of Copenhagen), “Species, genetic, and environmental determinants of orchid hologenome composition.”

Karen Murchie (Shedd Aquarium), “Monitoring of fish migration timing and cues in Great Lakes tributaries: incorporating HMC into a citizen-science network.”

Rose-Marie Muzika (Carnegie Natural History Museum) & Tom Diggins (Youngstown State University), “Interacting legacies that affect plant communities at the Huron Mountains: time hervbivory, micro and meso-site”

Frederick Nelson (Northern Michigan University) & Ken Hinkel (Michigan Technological University), “The Huron Mountain climate observation network.”

Josh Ness (Skidmore College), Ant ecologies in the context of wildfire regimes.

Anne Pringle (University of Wisconsin – Madison), “Naming the destroying angels.

Dennis Riege (independent), “Effects of beaver cutting on vegetation in a Fisher Creek permanent plot, 2021-2023.”

Ryne Rutherford & David Flaspohler (Michigan Technological University) “Ecological factors that dictate the occurrence of southern disjunct biota isolated on granite bedrock glades.”

Scott Tiegs & Elizabeth Parkinson (Oakland University), “The impact of artificial light at night on emergent aquatic insect communities.”

Basil Tikoff & Annie Bauer (University of Wisconsin-Madison), “Geological and geochronological studies in the Huron Mountains, Michigan”

Steve Voelker (Michigan Technological University), “submerged log surveys at the Huron Mountain Club to support tree-ring reconstructions of winter conditions.

Scott Warner (Michigan Natural Features Inventory), “Seeking rare and notable vascular plant species in the Huron Mountains.”

Thomas Werner (Michigan Technological University), “Continuing studies of distribution of fruit-fly species.”

Benjamin Winger (University of Michigan), “Understanding the evolution of divergent migratory strategies in boreal-breeding songbirds”

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